Wait list your child

We accept children on our wait list the year they turn 2. Positions are offered according to our wait list, priority of access and age of child. If you’d like to wait list your child, please complete the form and wait list application fee payment below.

Important things to know

Priority of access is determined by the Department of Education and includes Additional Needs children, First Nations children and children who must attend formal schooling the following year. Children who are placed on our waitlist late, may not be given a place for the following year.

Fees change each year depending on budget and Government funding. NB: We are funded by the State Government not the Federal Government so the funding model is very different from Long Day Care.

Families pay a one off maintenance levy at the beginning of term 1 and then a fundraising levy once a term.

We begin offering places for the new year in May and continue throughout the year, pending acceptance. We do our best to offer the days you request and may have some positions available through the year if families move out of the area. The wait list application fee is $38.50 – this can be paid via direct debit or in person via EFTPOS.

Please note we cannot wait list your child until all information is completed online and the wait list application fee paid. Adding a child to the waitlist is no guarantee of a position within the preschool. It is the responsibility of families to inform the preschool of any changes including address, phone number and any developmental changes while on the waiting list.

Waitlist application